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Well, the month of March saw another 3 books getting knocked out.

Yet again, I have to admit that if it wasn’t for listening to books through my app, I don’t know if I’d get through more than 1 each month. (Shout out to again!)

I still don’t have one distinct area of focus in my reading outside of labeling it personal development.

Of the things I have found myself reading, it’s been a focus I believe, to find more material for me to grow myself with.

I even reminisced recently about things I read as a kid and how I don’t give time to reading the types of things I did when I was younger because that was mostly for entertainment and now I’ve shifted my intentions to learning and growing myself.

With that, here’s the review of March’s books.

I began reading this book at the end of last year when I was looking for a series of lessons to teach in the class that I am responsible for each week.

After I jumped into it, I was easily captivated by the historical context provided and relativity to today’s leaders in regards to the life of each example given.

Col. O’Leary will challenge you to “lead from the front, from the point of the spear” just as the Centurions led their troops.

One of my absolute favorite reads so far.

The Centurion Principles - Col. Jeff O'Leary

With the books that I do listen to through Audible, I have been re-reading them multiple times and this is one I’ve gone probably 3 or 4 times in the last year.

Simon Sinek lays out a principle of character behind what a leader does and stands for as the center of their life and leadership.

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”. That is true in products you sell as well as in direction you give. Simon Sinek’s books are must read.

Start With Why - Simon Sinek

At this point in the year, my routine started to slip and a little momentum started to fade. So I reached back to Hal’s book to help me with some practical steps to get my routine back.

Hal has an amazing story which he details in the book, and his transformative process that he details provided me with some tangible steps to implement in my day.

I still wake up each morning and think of the routine he suggests and the changes I’ve decided to implement. If you need some help with daily structure, this is a good book for that.

The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod

Another month down and I’m still on pace to exceed the goal I set for myself for the year.


Being able to track this is really helpful for me to not only maintain my focus on my goal but also to be able to feel the sense of accomplishment in an area where I challenged myself.


This is a tactic I firmly believe is necessary in order for us to achieve our goals – write them down and track them.


Being able to celebrate small wins like this helps with keeping us on track.



**DISCLAIMER – I am not claiming to be a professional “book reviewer” and these opinions are just that, my opinions taken from my perspective on life. Please feel free to disagree, by all means, just keep it civil.



Did the reviews give a peek into a book you’ve heard about before but not read or introduce you to anything you might find interesting?


Comment below and let me know what you think or what you’ve been reading!

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