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5 months and 14 books.

Already in the first 5 months of the year, I’ve surpassed the total that I read each of the last 2 years! As I sit and think about that, I look back at where I was 3 years ago-wanting to read a book a month to really focus on my personal development in that area and knocking out less than 5 that year.

Now, I’m on a pace to read more this year than the last 2 years combined!

Not only is this a way to help me grow, but I’m accomplishing things now that just a few years ago, I never even thought about. Honestly, this wasn’t even something I had on my radar when it came to personal growth.

All of us have the same 168 hours to work with each week and it’s what we choose to do with those hours that allows us to see our goals thrive or die.

Don’t allow excuses to stand in the way of your goals. Make the necessary adjustments in your life to see them come to pass.

Lastly, before we look at the books read in May, I’d love to get your feedback on the way I’ve changed up the look of my review posts each month. Take a look at the first and compare it to this one and let me know which you prefer.

Here is the review of May’s books.

A very transparent book on the life of Charles Koch and business. Charles is vulnerable in his book about his mistakes and failures made while the Market Based Management system is unpacked.

The strategies discussed here endear us to the person he is and stress the importance of pouring back into your business for it to not only grow but thrive.

His successes are evident in the business world, and the MBM approach is credited for that. It’s a process that should be replicated across all companies and their leaders.

Good Profit - Charles Koch

The title of this book always reminds me of the quote from Bing Crosby in White Christmas about their old Army general – “We ate, then he ate. We slept, then he slept.”

You would think this concept is a basic principle of a leader, but sadly, we’re not naturally ingrained with this mindset. The revelation that all leaders must have is that by placing an emphasis on others, you actually get ahead.

Although it might sound counterintuitive, yet, valuing people and putting them first will benefit everyone in leadership. Until we conquer our pride and apply this, we’ll be a positional leader only.


Leaders Eat Last - Simon Sinek

If you don’t read any other book I have suggested this year, you must get this one if you aspire to leadership. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

If you’re serious about your personal growth and development, especially with a focus on leadership, Sinek’s book is a MUST-READ.

In addition to the questions I have below, I’d also like to know – are these reviews helpful? Do you find value in them, are they too short, too long, should I structure the posts a different way?

Thanks for taking the time to read and let me know what you think about the book Leaders Eat Last!.


**DISCLAIMER – I am not claiming to be a professional “book reviewer” and these opinions are just that, my opinions taken from my perspective on life. Please feel free to disagree, by all means, just keep it civil.



Did the reviews give a peek into a book you’ve heard about before but not read or introduce you to anything you might find interesting?


Comment below and let me know what you think or what you’ve been reading!


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