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A few months ago, I submitted a survey that asked my readers what type of material they would most like to hear about from the topics we discuss here.


The top vote-getter by a good margin was: Personal Development.


I chalked this up as a “win” because I actually had people respond!


Then, the only thing I did with that information was file it away with the thought – “Since I’m writing some on personal development, I was on the right track by providing that.”


What I failed to realize, is I have absolutely no clue what areas in your life you are wanting to develop!


I didn’t ask any follow-up questions to take me to the next step on this journey.


While that category of thought can be fairly broad, it would most definitely help if I had some areas to focus on so you would find our discussions valuable.


Until I can gather some more specifics and thereby offer some discussion there, I’d like to present to you some of my personal development habits.


Admittedly, I spent a lot of years coasting through life.


I’ve had some pretty major wake-up calls in my life and have drawn distinct lines in regards to who I want to become.


Of course, I’m not perfect and struggle to stay consistent in these areas. In fact, we just discussed some of these in last week’s post.


However, here are 5 things I’ve learned that I’d like to share with you today.


1. Remain Teachable

I have probably used this word more than any other when providing instruction to my children over the last several years.


If we do not maintain a teachable attitude, nothing else on this list even matters.


Being teachable means that we can learn from anyone, anywhere, anytime. In fact, I try to practice this on a daily basis to evaluate what the events of the day are teaching me.


The importance here is that whether intentionally or not, there are people and events trying to teach us important lessons and it’s up to us how we respond.


If you’re struggling in this area or want to read more, I spent an entire post on this asset.


2. Be a Continual Learner

You may think this is just another fancy way of reiterating the first point.


However, what I mean by this, is that we can never be satisfied with the amount of knowledge we feel we currently possess.


With the way our lives have a habit of changing, there are always things we can learn to make ourselves more valuable at work, to be better parents/spouses, to deepen our spiritual walk, you name it.


Figure out which way(s) you learn best and hone those skills. Do you absorb things best through audio? Listen to podcasts or audiobooks. Do you learn better at your own pace? Take an online course through one of the sites I use, such as Udemy.


We’ll never learn it all, but as part of keeping our minds sharp, it’s of great benefit for us to keep learning new things.


Napoleon Hill said, “Knowledge isn’t power; it’s the potential of power.”

Knowledge isn't power; it's the potential of power. - Napoleon Hill #nmwi Click To Tweet


3. Be self-aware

There are fewer things more frustrating than dealing with people who are deficient in this area.


Self-awareness begins with humility.


It places you into a mindset that allows you to have a proper view of self in relation to everything in life. In fact, if you start here, it will help you in the other habits to develop yourself.


If you’d like to see how I have broken down the dangers and principles, click on these links to read what I wrote a while back on this subject – Dangers & Principles.


4. Understand “time-management” is not a thing

If you just read that and began typing up an email to send me 100 links on how to manage your time, I appreciate the gesture, however, since I heard about this false idea, I’ll never be convinced otherwise.


If you can control (what ‘manage’ really means) time, you don’t need anything I have to say. Simply start and stop it at your leisure and accomplish everything on your list each day.


Because none of us can actually do that, it’s important that we manage our lives instead.


This way of thinking should bring you as much peace of mind as it brought me.


How many times have you looked at the ever-growing list of things you need or want to get done every day and think the same thing we all think, “I wish there were more hours in a day”.


Since there’s not, change your perspective.


Determine what matters most to you, prioritize your tasks, and congratulate yourself when you accomplish the things that get you to where you want to go.


**P.S. – This also means you’ll have to trim some things off your agenda too. Don’t worry, you’ll be glad you did.


5. Recognize that one thing will lead to another

In regards to your own personal development, don’t discount how one thing can set you up in other areas.


One of the main ways this has been true in my own life is my physical health.


When I am spending time eating healthy and exercising weekly, it impacts my mood positively. I feel more energized, more encouraged, and generally, I’m calmer and happier. When my mind and mood are right, I’m infinitely more productive and my accomplishments soar.


If you decide to develop yourself in the area of your career, you may find yourself shoving everything out of the way to get to the pinnacle of success as quick as possible with as much force as you can muster.


That mindset doesn’t take into account your relational health, your physical health, or your spiritual health. It’s a balancing act for sure, but realizing how these all go hand in hand and planning accordingly will create a good habit of developing yourself the right way.



There are probably a few more subtopics we could discuss here, but I’ve learned that this is the best way for me to properly approach my own personal development.


If you’re ready to leave the “what if” behind in your personal development and start making progress, try these habits and let me know what you think!


What do you think of this list? Do you have any habits you stick to religiously? If so, I’d love to hear what they are!


Comment below and share!


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